Big 5 - 2025
The Big 4 mission returns, only this time with an addition! Please welcome The Big 5 2025!
From the 2nd-5th May 2025 we will be taking 5 teams to 5 cities across Scotland in order to bring the good news of Jesus Christ in a simultaneous mission with one goal, to see lives transformed by the gospel on the streets of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Stirling and Perth! Join us as we go on this exciting venture in partnership with The Heralds Trust.
From the 2nd-5th May 2025 we will be taking 5 teams to 5 cities across Scotland in order to bring the good news of Jesus Christ in a simultaneous mission with one goal, to see lives transformed by the gospel on the streets of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Stirling and Perth! Join us as we go on this exciting venture in partnership with The Heralds Trust.
When: 2-5th May 2025
Where: Mission begins in Linlithgow, West Lothian
Cost: £220*
Early-Bird rate of £190 if you sign up before 7th Feb 2025
*This covers accommodation, food and in-country travel. (Travel to mission not included)
Where: Mission begins in Linlithgow, West Lothian
Cost: £220*
Early-Bird rate of £190 if you sign up before 7th Feb 2025
*This covers accommodation, food and in-country travel. (Travel to mission not included)
Will you prayerfully consider joining a Big 5 2025 mission team?
No previous missions experience is necessary.
No previous missions experience is necessary.
Teams will be allocated to each city but will have a similar agenda...
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Johnny at [email protected]
Big 4 - 2024
This May, K180 sent 4 teams to minister alongside local churches in the North of England for a weekend of evangelistic outreach and mission. In total, 15 Big 4 team members were spread across Blackpool, Leeds, Doncaster and Hull.
Each team led some evangelism training for local believers, participated in Sunday worship, and took the Gospel to the streets. Some had a door-do-door focus while others led an evangelistic community quiz night.
We give thanks for much seed sown, believers encouraged in their witness, and some professing faith on the street and during Sunday services. We pray for the local churches in each town as they seek to follow up with those who were engaged with the Gospel message over the weekend.
Each team led some evangelism training for local believers, participated in Sunday worship, and took the Gospel to the streets. Some had a door-do-door focus while others led an evangelistic community quiz night.
We give thanks for much seed sown, believers encouraged in their witness, and some professing faith on the street and during Sunday services. We pray for the local churches in each town as they seek to follow up with those who were engaged with the Gospel message over the weekend.
"On a sunny Bank Holiday Sunday in Blackpool… A few people were open to talk and chat, and on the street, three young people prayed to become Christians there and then. It was simple, yet awesome to see God’s kingdom increase by us just being willing to be there and exciting to see people eagerly commit to following Jesus. Truly, divine appointments." |
One recent convert from the church in Hull said that the weekend had been life changing for him. Seeing us evangelise he recognises the need to reach the lost and is praying that God will raise him up also as an evangelist. |
Why not prayerfully consider being part of a Big 4 team next year? 2-5 May 2025.
Big 3 - 2023
At the end of April, we sent two teams to Devon for a bank holiday weekend of mission. One team headed to Paignton to work alongside local Counties evangelist Stevie Walker and his church in reaching out in the town and the surrounding areas. The other team headed to Woolacombe in North Devon to work alongside Calvary Chapel Woolacombe. Thanks for praying for our teams - it was certainly an encouraging weekend as we saw the Lord at work as the teams were sharing the Gospel on the streets and the beach!
Co-team leader Steve Frost writes: A very positive and fruitful weekend, engaging in personal evangelism and street preaching. Blessed with good weather and folk open to talk about spiritual topics. We give thanks to God for prayer support and hospitality given from the church and others. Praying that the Lord would move by his Spirit in the lives of those met, spoken to and prayed with. That the message of the gospel would reap a harvest for the glory of God. "Have been encouraged as a church, found it uplifting and encouraging. Weekend was refreshing and giving us a kick!" |
It was a busy but fruitful weekend for the team in Woolacombe too. The church
has a skateboarding half-pipe in the bottom of the church and a thriving youth group that meets there on Friday evenings. The team were able to be there, get alongside some of the young people, and team member Stuart shared his testimony and encouraged the youth to follow Christ. Several of the group indicated making a decision for Jesus and wanted to speak to the team afterwards. On Saturday morning we led some training for local believers and then did some outreach near the beach and in town in the afternoon. Many gladly received John’s gospels and literature. On Sunday, Gareth preached at the church and after some lunch, we went to the beach to share the Gospel. It was difficult due to the weather but two of the team shared the Gospel with a man who wanted to pray a prayer of commitment to Christ. “I enjoyed the new challenge of ministering to people on and around the beach in Woolacombe with tracts, preaches, gospel songs and illustrations. I started off the weekend feeling quite weak in the flesh but, by His Holy Spirit, God gave me the strength and boldness to engage people in deep conversation, one [conversation] in particular resulting in someone’s salvation!” |
We give thanks to God for the opportunities for the Gospel in both locations on this Big 3 mission and pray for lasting impact among the churches.
Why not consider joining us next year for the Big 3? 3-6 May 2023.
Why not consider joining us next year for the Big 3? 3-6 May 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact Gareth at [email protected]
Big 3 - 2022 (Platinum Jubilee Weekend)
We’d like to give God glory, honour, and praise for all that He did throughout the Big 3 2022. Taking place over the course of the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday weekend, three teams took to the streets to share the Gospel through preaching, testimony, music, and personal conversations, in both London and Windsor. And we give God thanks for sending workers out into the harvest field. Though we were fewer in number than we’d initially hoped for, those who served did so faithfully, and enabled us to reach many with the Good News.
We were particularly blessed to have been able to witness people’s perspectives on God change, first-hand, and others receive prayer for difficult situations in their lives. We even had the privilege of welcoming someone into God’s family, when the son of a team member from Windsor prayed a prayer of commitment on the streets. Please join us in supporting him in prayer, as he seeks to explore his relationship with God. May he put down roots of faith that would last, in these early days. 🙏
LondonIn central London, two teams visited a variety of key locations throughout the mission, including Trafalgar Square, Green Park, South Bank & more. There was a palpable sense of good feeling and community around town, which may have contributed to the openness of those around us.
Despite the hustle and bustle, many people gladly received our Jubilee-themed flyers, which spoke about the Queen, her faith, and the King she serves. Others took 'Defender of the Faith' Gospels (supplied by The Pocket Testament League), which not only served as a great souvenir, but made a way for us to place a Gospel of John into the hands of those around us. We also had wonderful divine appointments with people. We were particularly grateful for the opportunity to speak with a Muslim man who’s become disillusioned with his religion because he’s unsure of his salvation, and has been left fearing eternity, due to some of the teachings within the Quran. A team member shared the hope of the Good News with him and informed him that he can find assurance of salvation in Jesus. He then took a flyer and a Gospel of John, before saying that we “made his day” and left with a smile on his face. May he now find hope in the Good News of Jesus. Amen! |
Windsor Our third team was on the streets of Windsor during the weekend. One of the team teaches in a local school and we saw several of his past and present pupils on the streets, as well as the thousands of tourists who came to Windsor at some point over the weekend. Many took Jubilee John’s gospels and flyers. We engaged people on the main shopping street through music, preaching, and testimony. One encouraging story from the weekend: we met a homeless man called Jason* who was initially a bit hostile towards us as he thought we were buskers. Once a homeless lady we had built a relationship with assured him we were not, he warmed to us and told us how he had recommitted his life to the Lord a few years ago but hadn’t found a church family due to challenges of him being welcomed as a homeless man. Justin, a local team member, met him for Bible study the following day, Sunday morning, for a Bible study in a coffee shop. Please pray that this group will grow both in number and in depth. *Name changed for privacy. |
Big 3 - 2021
We'd like to say a huge thank you to all of those who faithfully served on and prayed for our latest instalment of The Big 3! In particular, we'd like to thank CBR UK, The Angel Church, The Heralds Trust and St John's Blackpool for their partnership, hospitality and support, as we ventured out into the communities of London, Edinburgh and Blackpool. For with the Lord's guidance and the help of these ministries, our team were simultaneously able to reach many with the Good News of Jesus!
Throughout the course of the weekend, we received many encouraging reports of Gospel encounters from the three teams, and with it, the names of many whom we will be praying for and reaching out to, in these coming days. In Edinburgh, our partnership with the Heralds Trust saw the team host a popular ‘street café’ on a bustling street, which led to a series of poignant Gospel conversations – many with those who’ve never heard the Good News before. Elsewhere, in London, the team’s various outreaches alongside (pro-life organisation) CBR UK, saw people’s opinions about abortion positively challenged or reassessed, when presented with the Good News and the biblical view on human worth. And then in Blackpool, many were drawn to the promenade when the team (in partnership with St John’s Church) played live music, gave testimony, preached the Gospel, and performed a puppet show for all who passed by – which in turn, led to many taking Christian literature away with them.
It's so clear that God has most certainly been at work in drawing people to Him, and so we'd like to invite you to pray along with us, asking that God would move powerfully in the lives of those we connected with on the streets of these cities. Please ask that we would hear of lives turned around and souls saved, through the power of the Gospel. Amen!
Throughout the course of the weekend, we received many encouraging reports of Gospel encounters from the three teams, and with it, the names of many whom we will be praying for and reaching out to, in these coming days. In Edinburgh, our partnership with the Heralds Trust saw the team host a popular ‘street café’ on a bustling street, which led to a series of poignant Gospel conversations – many with those who’ve never heard the Good News before. Elsewhere, in London, the team’s various outreaches alongside (pro-life organisation) CBR UK, saw people’s opinions about abortion positively challenged or reassessed, when presented with the Good News and the biblical view on human worth. And then in Blackpool, many were drawn to the promenade when the team (in partnership with St John’s Church) played live music, gave testimony, preached the Gospel, and performed a puppet show for all who passed by – which in turn, led to many taking Christian literature away with them.
It's so clear that God has most certainly been at work in drawing people to Him, and so we'd like to invite you to pray along with us, asking that God would move powerfully in the lives of those we connected with on the streets of these cities. Please ask that we would hear of lives turned around and souls saved, through the power of the Gospel. Amen!
Testimonies From London
"(The Big 3 was) Such a good challenge to me to grow in my everyday witness to our wonderful Lord Jesus." - Rebekah, London Team Member “Thank you K180/CBRUK for this weekend! Praise the Lord for answering prayers. So encouraging and helpful to be part of the team. For me (a)… great opportunity to learn.” - Rachel, London Team Member |
Testimonies From Blackpool
“It’s been such an encouragement! …This young lady received Jesus and that happened within the first half an hour of us going out [on the Saturday]. It was incredible.” - Nina, Blackpool Team Member [On sharing his testimony publicly for the first time during the Big 3] “All of a sudden, I had this call to tell me, ‘John, you can do it!’ … Once I started giving my testimony, I felt no nerves at all… Since I gave my life to Christ, my life has started to get better, and my confidence has built over the last few years.” - John, Blackpool Team Member who gave his life to Christ at the Festival of Hope in 2018 |
If you would like to find out more about K180 missions please Contact Us...
Big 3 - 2019
After a year's hiatus in 2018, we had a very encouraging return of our 'Big 3' mission weekend in 2019, sending teams to Madrid (Spain), Stip (North Macedonia), and Lviv (Ukraine) to share the gospel and partner with local believers. Thank you very much for praying for the teams and their missions - reports from each team are below:
Madrid, Spain
31 May - 3rd June, 2019
The Madrid team were working with a local church in the Wanda Metropolitano area of Madrid. The church is about 10-15 minutes walk from the Atlético Madrid football stadium where the 2019 Champions League final was taking place that same weekend. It so happened that the two teams playing in the final were both English, so the team took about 10,000 specially-designed English gospel tracts to give out. After we arrived on Friday we went prayer walking and decided on an area just outside the stadium and the exit of one of the metro stations in the town as outreach locations. Later on that evening at the church, we prayed for God to bless the weekend and for many souls to be saved.
On Saturday morning quite a number of the church members came for evangelism training including the testimony workshop run by the team. Some young evangelists from a church in another part of Madrid joined us, and after prayer we split into two groups and went out to the two areas for outreach. At the stadium, which was already quite busy, we did a couple rounds of testimonies and illustrated gospel messages. We also started giving out the gospel tracts. The second area wasn’t as busy as we had anticipated so we decided to walk around the immediate area handing out the gospel tracts and engaging the football fans and the locals in conversations. After lunch we decided to focus only on the stadium and on handing out tracts and engaging people in gospel conversations. We stayed out there until just before kick off, and gave out almost all of the 10,000 gospel tracts to the thousands of football fans that had come for the match.
On Sunday morning one of the team shared their testimony in the church and another team member preached the sermon. In the late afternoon we went to a park in central Madrid which is a tourist attraction and did four rounds of music, testimony and illustrated gospel messages. There were a lot of people stopping to listen and a good number of conversations. A lady made the commitment to Jesus Christ that evening, and she was invited to the church. It was very encouraging to see a lot of the young people in the church come out to share the Gospel.
Thank you for praying for the team. Please continue praying for Pastor Saul and the church, that they will continue to grow in the love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as they continue to seek to make Christ known in that area of Madrid.
On Saturday morning quite a number of the church members came for evangelism training including the testimony workshop run by the team. Some young evangelists from a church in another part of Madrid joined us, and after prayer we split into two groups and went out to the two areas for outreach. At the stadium, which was already quite busy, we did a couple rounds of testimonies and illustrated gospel messages. We also started giving out the gospel tracts. The second area wasn’t as busy as we had anticipated so we decided to walk around the immediate area handing out the gospel tracts and engaging the football fans and the locals in conversations. After lunch we decided to focus only on the stadium and on handing out tracts and engaging people in gospel conversations. We stayed out there until just before kick off, and gave out almost all of the 10,000 gospel tracts to the thousands of football fans that had come for the match.
On Sunday morning one of the team shared their testimony in the church and another team member preached the sermon. In the late afternoon we went to a park in central Madrid which is a tourist attraction and did four rounds of music, testimony and illustrated gospel messages. There were a lot of people stopping to listen and a good number of conversations. A lady made the commitment to Jesus Christ that evening, and she was invited to the church. It was very encouraging to see a lot of the young people in the church come out to share the Gospel.
Thank you for praying for the team. Please continue praying for Pastor Saul and the church, that they will continue to grow in the love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as they continue to seek to make Christ known in that area of Madrid.
Štip, North Macedonia
31 May - 3rd June, 2019
A Big 3 team headed to the country of North Macedonia, to the city of Štip, where we worked alongside Oasis Church again. There were several challenges leading up to the mission, with the Oasis Church pastor, Pastor Angel (our main contact), contracting a contagious illness which required him to be quarantined in the local hospital. Also, one of our team members, David, was unwell in advance of the weekend which meant he was unable to travel. God was so good though, and it was right that the team was there that weekend!
The team led some evangelism training seminars with those from the local church. We took time to pray over the city and over the potential new church building Oasis Church are praying for. There was some good time on the streets downtown, which resulted in many people engaging in Gospel conversations. On our last outreach, after a time of prayer resulted in a weather-front of heavy rain being moved on by the Lord, we were able to personally share the Gospel with several people. Two young people made commitments to follow Christ and were introduced to someone from the local church.
Thank you for praying for the Štip team! We thank God for all He has done in extending His Kingdom through the ongoing witness of Oasis Church.
The team led some evangelism training seminars with those from the local church. We took time to pray over the city and over the potential new church building Oasis Church are praying for. There was some good time on the streets downtown, which resulted in many people engaging in Gospel conversations. On our last outreach, after a time of prayer resulted in a weather-front of heavy rain being moved on by the Lord, we were able to personally share the Gospel with several people. Two young people made commitments to follow Christ and were introduced to someone from the local church.
Thank you for praying for the Štip team! We thank God for all He has done in extending His Kingdom through the ongoing witness of Oasis Church.
Lviv, Ukraine
31 May - 3rd June, 2019
Team Lviv joined Living Word Church, a small church plant, in bringing the Gospel to the streets of the city. We held two training sessions covering ‘Intimacy with God’ and how that relates to our love for the lost, and the effectiveness of personal testimony in evangelism. We also visited the site of a newly-bought piece of land on which the church is planning to build their own church building, and we prayed together over the plans and for the witness of the church to the local community round about the site.
On Saturday and Sunday, a group of believers from Living Word Church, as well as from a local Christian business, joined us on the streets to share the Gospel. It was so encouraging to see some stepping up to share public testimony for the first time, others sharing Jesus through song on the street, and several engaging in conversations with passers-by using the tracts designed and produced by Living Word Church.
We met a number of believers, both locals and those visiting from other nations, who were very encouraged to see a Gospel witness on the streets of Lviv. We thank God for all that He is doing in Lviv. Please continue to pray for the Living Word Church team as they continue to seek to share Jesus on the streets.
On Saturday and Sunday, a group of believers from Living Word Church, as well as from a local Christian business, joined us on the streets to share the Gospel. It was so encouraging to see some stepping up to share public testimony for the first time, others sharing Jesus through song on the street, and several engaging in conversations with passers-by using the tracts designed and produced by Living Word Church.
We met a number of believers, both locals and those visiting from other nations, who were very encouraged to see a Gospel witness on the streets of Lviv. We thank God for all that He is doing in Lviv. Please continue to pray for the Living Word Church team as they continue to seek to share Jesus on the streets.