THE MISSION OF KERYGMA180 IS...PROCLAIMING AND TRAINING Proclaiming the Gospel and equipping the next generation to do likewise Some people say that evangelism is hard. I tend to think that we often make it harder for ourselves, especially with the oft-held perception that people are not interested in Jesus. One thing that is abundantly clear from our street ministry is that spirituality is alive and well across our society. It’s true that people often have a problem with church, but the many people that are ready to talk about spiritual things constantly encourage us. And what is more, people see the difference in the lives of believers as we faithfully share this Good News. |
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That Jesus Christ is Lord We believe in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe in the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross, and that our confession of Jesus Christ as Lord is to be expressed in every area of life. In the authority of the Bible We believe in the infallible word of God, and seek to root our lives and ministry in the revelation of God's truth. The Bible shows us God's way of living. In the local Church We believe the local Church is God's design, a community of believers who gather together for worship, witness and service. In partnership We believe that according to New Testament understanding, we do not exist in isolation, but are to be interdependent. We are therefore committed to working in partnership with others who are also focused on fulfilling the call of the Lord to take the Gospel to all nations. In the priesthood of all believers We believe every believer has a role to play as part of the Body of Christ, and that God gives spiritual gifts to believers for the edification of His Church. In the missionary task We believe that each believer is a witness and is commanded by Christ to herald the Good News of the Gospel in our daily lives, "making disciples" (Matthew 28:19) who will also follow Him and do likewise. |