Introducing our new K180 evangelist...
Scott Gentry
Hi! My name's Scott and I have the pleasure and privilege of serving the Lord as an evangelist here at K180.
Despite only having recently felt the call to this vital ministry, I have been faithfully sharing the Gospel on the streets for the past three years. And there is nothing quite like sharing the hope of glory that we have in our hearts, with the lost. The Bible teaches that there is an immediate need for God's workers to flood our nation, and others, with the Good News, for "the harvest is plentiful" (Matthew 9:37, ESV) and many are searching for the Saviour of the World. I feel called to dedicate my life to this work of gathering in that harvest and introducing people to Jesus - a work that needs your help too. With your prayerful and financial support, myself and the team will be able to reach many with the Gospel and train many others to carry out the Great Commission for themselves. We greatly appreciate any and all support you are able to give at this time. Thank you. |
We are delighted Scott is joining the K180 team!
We firmly believe this is God’s appointment, and we are looking forward to seeing what the Lord will do in, and through, his life. Thank you for considering financially supporting Scott. Below are 3 ways of donating, all of which will be automatically marked as support for Scott.
This is particularly helpful as it helps us to budget and be more purposeful as we plan ahead. Click the 'Monthly giving' button to set up a regular payment, and type 'Scott Gentry' in the 'Leave a message' box or email us at [email protected] to ensure the donation is registered for Scott. |
If you would like to make a one-off gift to support Scott: Click the 'One-off gift' button, and type 'Scott Gentry' in the 'Leave a message' box or email us at [email protected] to ensure the donation is registered for Scott. |
If you would like to set up a Standing Order for a regular payment, or indeed, make a one-off donation via online banking, please use these details:
Account Name: Kerygma180
Bank Sort Code: 20-41-41
Bank Account Number: 33227057
If you would like to set up a Standing Order for a regular payment, or indeed, make a one-off donation via online banking, please use these details:
Account Name: Kerygma180
Bank Sort Code: 20-41-41
Bank Account Number: 33227057
Please then email [email protected] to confirm your name so we can ensure that the donation is registered for Scott’s support.
Thank you very much for your interest and support!